"Your Future Vitality" The backstory...

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Dr John Ogden Added 5 Feb 2021, 9:29 a.m.
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For years John searched for an answer to the "Doc in the box" that not only makes sense but is portable, economical, profitable and beneficial to patrons and communicants. After 23 years of refinement running on over 8,000 patients, John has completed formal trials in the UK, Israel and Russia and now he's created an IT Lifestyle and Fitness trending service. It is completely online, for computer, iPhone or Android driven account.

A younger John … 13 years ago!
Here's a film from YouTube 2008, copy and paste the link in your browser



John Ogden, with a Doctorate in Natural Medicine, originally qualified in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in 1997 with 2½ years study of the philosophy, then continued studying Functional Health, Homeopathy, Herbology, Toxicology, Lymphology therapeutics, Medical Sciences, Microbiology, Parasitology, Medical Botany before completing a 42,000 word dissertation on the body for a Doctorate in 2002. (Aged 56)

The system, that had been running the algorithms for many years, was put to the test with a blinded general health study at the NRCERM hospital, St Petersburg, Russia where we screened over 550 people and we were 96.5% accurate in predicting diseases up to 2 years in advance of the disease manifesting. Cardio Vascular Disease, Diabetes, Kidney and Respiratory problems. With advances in medicine, food and lifestyle, many of these could have been prevented.

Cardiac Screening
In 2009 a study was undertaken in conjunction with the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. A non-invasive screening system test was conducted to diagnose ischaemic heart disease, results being compared with conventional clinical cardiac tests, catheterisation data involving invasive surgery.

Results showed a 92.6% correlation in finding ischaemic burden (combined Stenosis and Ischemia) between my health screening and invasive clinical methods and a 76% correlation in findings of stenosis (narrowing) of the coronary arteries.

These findings were presented at the 57th annual congress of the Israeli Heart Society in April 2010.

Closer to home, a pilot test was conducted at a GP's practice in Huddersfield with 70 frequent attenders to the practice being screened using me system. An independent survey nine months after the study ended showed a 40% reduction in repeat visits from those patients and nearly 12% returned to work. Patient self-evaluation also showed that 92% claimed to take more responsibility for their health after attending the screening.

Having completed these trials John realised that the medical profession was not ready for a change in medical practices however, watching the public's voracious search for knowledge and information on Google or on YouTube, it was clear that the general public are more than interested. A consistent increase in the sale of supplements, health foods, organic foods, smoothies etc, clearly the trend for self-improvement was growing. When one adds that to the increased interest in fitness and training across all walks of life, it was evident that it was now time to rethink how to present the information could make THE difference.

Using no social media and only a very simple web site and having never advertised, John's clinics remain fully booked with a 3-4 month waiting list.

He also has over 2000 hours working the system in 3rd world clinics without pharmaceutical budgets, for free, just to help and learn.

This system increases personal responsibility by being specific, measurable, achievable and relevant to motivated people to achieve changes in a timely manner. Positive results increase awareness of fitness condition and acts as an encouragement to take responsibility for self.

It was evident that people wanted to know if the changes they made in their diet made a difference to their performance levels, whether the supplements or medication they were taking made a difference, they wanted real answers to real questions. Hence Your Future Vitality lifestyle and fitness screening was born.

What we need now is a team to come together to launch this globally. I've put it out into the Ether…