Well Wednesday 11

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Dr John Ogden Added 12 Feb 2021, 9:04 a.m.
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Stephen and Kathryn from Prestset have once again stepped up to make sense of my meandering!

In the few months between lockdowns I watched so much of what this little beastie has done to so many of you. This time because of the weather it may not be as pleasurable to get out on your bike and ride.

Some of you have made fortunes others have lost their homes.

Looking at your physical results and also the live blood under my microscope I have learnt so much.

I am making no claims but there is a clear pattern of the mechanism of this virus. I stand by everything I have told you in the previous Well Wednesday emails.

Do not be afraid as fear and stress makes you acidic and much more vulnerable. I know thats easy for me to say! Breathe through your nose as much as you can. Mouth breathing takes everything straight into your throat whereas when you breathe through your nose there is a large cavity where your immune system is strong.

Keep sucking the Zinc. Look at Nasaleze with Alicin, extract of garlic to puff up your nose.

Stock up with Zinc, Vitamin C, Aspirin, Black Elderberry, Vitamin D with K2, Glutathione. As the first symptoms hit it, increase the dosage.

Eat loads of seasonal green leafy vegetables every day. Pile your plates high because it alkalises you and is full of your best defence mechanism. Use the water that you have used to cook or steam your vegetables, in soups, that is where the goodness goes. Too many people eat the food and throw away the medicine.

I have a plan. More to come but for now let us get practical, not angry and fearful. It is a time to come together and help those around you, so that if you need it they will be there to help you.

Good neighbours have never been so important, so be one yourself!