Well Wednesday 7

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Dr John Ogden Added 12 Feb 2021, 8:46 a.m.
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Many of the infection’s bizarre symptoms have one thing in common. Months into the pandemic, there is now a growing body of evidence to support the theory that this new coronavirus can infect blood vessels, which could explain not only the high prevalence of blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks, but also provide an answer for the diverse set of head-to-toe symptoms that have emerged.

Blood vessel damage could also explain why people with pre-existing conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease are at a higher risk for severe complications from a virus that’s supposed to just infect the lungs.

The New England Journal of Medicine published a paper that looked at nearly 9,000 people with Covid-19, Dr Mehra one of the authors of the paper showed that the use of statins and ACE inhibitors (which open the arteries) were linked to higher rates of survival.

“The best therapy might actually be a drug that stabilises the vascular endothelial, we’re building a drastically different concept.” Says Dr Mehra.

I have previously mentioned they were using blood thinners here in the UK.


This headline confirms everything I have been telling you for the last seven weeks.

Drop carbohydrates, increase the vegetables and the protein, chew your food, drink plenty of water, get lots of exercise, learn how to breathe, have FUN !!

Do not be afraid, stop listening to too much news for the fear mongering it is giving you. You are about to enter a brave new world that you can enjoy and thrive in. Positive thinking.

What is our natural protector of the lining of our arteries? Nitric oxide.

This nitric oxide has two crucial functions, it keeps the arterial lining smooth and slippery, preventing white blood cells and platelets from latching on and causing damaging inflammation and artery-blocking blood clots.

You get more oxygen in your blood by breathing through your nose. This happens from a physiological response from nitric oxide, which is formed in the sinuses of human beings. This discovery was made in 1998 by three American researchers, who won the Nobel Prize for medicine for this discovery.

Nitric oxide is a blood vessel dilator. When nitric oxide follows the air on the inhalation through the nose, the alveoli are expanded which means that a greater amount of blood can pass through the blood vessels and be oxidized. This CANNOT happen when breathing through the mouth; it CANNOT happen even when someone is hooked up to a respirator because nasal breathing is not part of the respiration process.

Remember me telling you about nasal sports turbine breathing technology. Seriously giving 38% better breathing instantly! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44YqfSk8srI Everywhere appears sold out except https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/323874722087?chn=ps

Nitric oxide also helps maintain, repair and defend every cell in the body.

Can you believe that research has shown that humming at the same time as nose breathing increases the nitric oxide by a staggering 15 times! It activates the whole of the vagas nerve which communicates with every organ. Enjoy lots of YouTube videos https://donovanhealth.com/

What is one of the worst things for depleting your nitric oxide, apart from stress?

Mouthwash! Short-term clinical trials have shown that antibacterial mouthwash deplete oral nitrate-reducing bacteria, and decrease systemic nitric oxide bioavailability. Research in November 2019 has shown that it can lead to a measurable and significant rise in blood pressure. However don't stop to use mouthwash, look for a safer (unfortunately more expensive) alternative, look up Biocidin which have a range of natural dental and general health care products recommended by my dental colleague in Huddersfield.

Nitric oxide test

How do you measure your nitric oxide levels as it is THE marker to show what is happening to your circulation … home testing strips from https://www.amazon.co.uk/Medical-Supplies-Equipment-SH-Diagnostics/s?rh=n%3A2825218031%2Cp_89%3ASH+Diagnostics
This weeks nutritional advice

SO - Keep up your Vitamin D levels with Vit K2. But don’t overdo it!

Flax: Make a mix of flax oil or Udo’s oil (omegas) and the juice of a lemon. Or take a clove of chopped up garlic and balsamic vinegar to make a big vinaigrette. 2-3 desert spoons full on your food daily.

Or take flax oil capsules https://store.uniqevitality.com/
Add beetroot, Ceylon Cinnamon and cayenne pepper to your diet. https://www.greensorganic.co.uk/Beetroot-Powder
Cayenne pepper with your food or capsules from your health food store. One capsule ALWAYS WITH food, otherwise it is hot going in and hot going out !

If the cayenne is too powerful please use Trikatu powder. https://www.essentialayurveda.co.uk/products/organic-trikatu-powder-digestive-stimulant