Well Wednesday 8

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Dr John Ogden Added 12 Feb 2021, 8:56 a.m.
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Going forward as we are once again being slowly released into the world and unleashed back into society, in my opinion, there are only two things that we have to focus on. That is our immune systems and our blood circulation.

Both of these I have been helping you with, I hope. Please go out with joy and hope, not fear.

We already have a good team of trained Vitalists and I am hoping we will be able to train more people to be able to give my screenings with laid down proven protocols to keep you informed with good practical knowledge so that you know that you are personally in the optimal range and on top of your game. I am producing small basic home kits that you can monitor yourself and your families. If your results are starting to get out of the optimal range then there will be Vitalists to run fuller tests to find the underlying causative reasons. So if you go to your GP you are going informed. if you are interested in buying one of these kits then please email me

If you are interested in training to become a Vitalist, please can you email me so I can begin to plan as to ways that are most suitable for you, all of this will be driven by software that we are developing to give you as much practical information as possible.

Also my online ‘Virtual Me’ is now working very well which means you will have very quick access to any questions you may have by online booking on www.ogdenhealth.uk - The voice analysis makes all the difference as it really shows underlying core problems of what is going on. I have a specialised platform based on Microsoft Team Viewer so it is very safe and secure. We can share screens so I can show you all the results and discuss them face to face. Virtually!

I am now going to re-open in Cottingley for the week of Monday June 29th to Friday 3rd July, these will be for an hour, even though the acknowledgement will say half hour (another software glitch).

I am researching all the new protocols, government guidelines to ensure the highest standards of cleanliness and safety. Including wearing facemask, gloves and disinfecting the room after every patient. I shall be allowing an extra half hour between patients for this. So you will be able to come straight in from your car.

Obviously the increased overheads for all this unfortunately means that I am going to have to increase my fees to £95.

However working online for £45 is an innovation that can make me more accessible and cost effective for all.

Now it would appear we are nearly ‘through it’ and I must go back to work, being a one-man band sadly the Well Wednesday’s must come to an end. I truly hope I have been of some help and hopefully made you smile over the last couple of months.

Many many thanks to Stephen and Kathryn of Prestset, printing and marketing extra-ordinaire, who have turned my ramblings into more sense and sending it out to you all.

I look forward to seeing you either in person or virtually in the coming weeks.

As I quoted in my Well Wednesday 2, as you all know, how I try to translate everything into the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicines of which the main base is that of Yin-Yang.

So for every bad there is equally a good. The fear that is being pushed into us at this moment must mean that the opposite, Hope, must be being suppressed.

“The opposite of fear is hope, defined as the expectation of good fortune not only for ourselves but for a group to which we belong. Fear feeds anxiety and produces anger; hope, particularly in a political sense, breeds optimism and feelings of well-being. Fear is about limits; hope is about growth. Fear casts its eyes warily, even shiftily, across the landscape; hope looks forward, toward the horizon. Fear points at others, assigning blame; hope points ahead, working for a common good. Fear pushes away; hope pulls others closer. Fear divides; hope unifies.” Jon Meacham.

Now is the time to pull together into the collective.