Home Testing

Why do I need a test?

Mild Health Concerns?

If you have niggling concerns that you can't get to the bottom of, it may be IBS, bloating, acid reflux, constant headaches, chronic pain, fatigue, lack of drive and focus, brain fog even anxiety and depression. There are countless conditions that seem to be part and parcel of modern life with remedies readily available. We continually treat symptoms, isn't it better to get to the source of the problem?

About to start exercise?

Alternatively, you may be thinking of improving your fitness and taking up some exercise, if you've become very closely bonded with your couch over the last year, it's a good idea to check your overall condition and make sure you're fit to get fit!

Whatever concerns you, a screening with Your Future Vitality will get to the source of your problems and make sure you reach your best condition.

Recording over 50 measures in a short screening that checks all your vital signs, you'll get a detailed report on what's right and what needs attention. You'll also get a list of recommendations to help put those wrong things right, which normally entails moderate changes to your lifestyle.

We have screening clinics in your area, click here to choose one now

Ongoing remote testing - from the comfort of home

It's a really good idea to have a full screening at the outset so we can make sure you have no underlying conditions that may become a serious issue.

After that, using the amazing Your Future Vitality system, you can keep track of your progress from the comfort of your home. Use one of our home screening kits to measure your own vital signs, enter the results into the system using your smart phone, iPad or laptop to keep a record of your results on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. This data is shared securely with your Vitalist, who will monitor your results and send updated recommendations each month, moving you towards optimum vitality.

There's a low monthly subscription charge for home testing.

Home Testing

Available Home Screening Kits

The daily 4 Wellness allows you to check, on a daily basis, if there's an inflammatory condition or anything infection-wise going on. Each morning, take your temperature, check your SPO2 and pulse with the meter on your finger and puff as hard as you can into the peak flow tube. Enter the results into the app online using either your phone, pad or laptop, it takes just a few minutes.

The results will automatically trend so you can see your result fluctuations on a daily basis. If your temperature and resting pulse rate suddenly begin to increase and your oxygenation and lung capacity begin to decrease then you know that something is beginning to affect you. We're told that ALL VIRUSES take 2 to 5 days to infect us but you should notice the trend before you even begin to feel ill.

To recap, if the pulse rate and temperature are increasing, oxygenation and lung capacity decreasing then something is amiss. Help your immune system by loading up on vitamin C and hydration then re-do the test at lunchtime, again mid-afternoon and again when you get back from work in the evening.

If the trend is continuing, ensure you isolate, do not go out and mix at work or with friends, don't go to the gym or out shopping. Do the tests again the following morning; you'll see the speed the infection is increasing and you can take appropriate action. Book an appointment with your GP to see what is happening but you will be in control, you can isolate and not infect anyone else.

We believe the way forward is to monitor yourself on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to find out where you are at, what is happening to you and to ensure that nothing is sneaking up from behind.

The Vitalise Step 18 screening is recommended to help you do this. As with the daily 4 Wellness, you are monitoring your oxygenation, pulse rate, temperature and your peak flow lung capacity however, it’s time now to begin to understand how the body works.

The miracle comes down to maintaining the simple basics in your life and if you keep those in the optimal you stand a far, far better chance of remaining fit and healthy. Having a good strong immune system, is the most important aspect of healthy life and providing you look after it, it will look after you. Your immune system is also controlled by your emotions so you just have to stay happy.

Do the daily 4; oxygenation, pulse rate, temperature and peak flow on a daily basis, then on a weekly basis (some people can do it on a monthly basis) I take the pH of my saliva to have a look at the foods that I am eating and see if they're suiting me. It's interesting that you can only properly break down food between pH 6.5 and 7, so if you are ingesting too many acidic foods, or foods that are not compatible with your biome at this moment, the first indication is in your saliva pH, so keep it in the optimal range.

Next I pee on a urine analysis stick, it takes just a few seconds before you eat or drink, lay it flat on a piece of tissue for two minutes, then compare the colours of the 11 measures with the examples printed on the packaging, to make certain that all are okay.

Not only does this check to make sure no little infections are creeping in, more importantly it shows if you are dehydrated (and drinking enough water) absolutely essential to flush out your kidneys. Our pee sticks also have a vitamin C test which is your ultimate indicator that your antioxidants are in their optimal range. If your vitamin C is getting low then you’ve got to really rack that up because that’s your immune system.

If you are pushing to lose weight, our stick also shows if you have ketones in your urine which indicate that you’re burning fat. It shows all kinds of things which are all explained in the video available on the site so you can monitor your kidney health and your digestion.

The wider the difference between your saliva pH and your urine pH, the bigger mess is in the middle, which is your digestion. Your saliva and your urine pH should be reasonably balanced which then shows that your digestion is good and is in the optimal range.

Whilst you’re also doing this on a weekly basis, you should take your blood pressure at the same time, if your blood pressure is showing slightly high then you should do it more regularly at the same time every day. Once you have the kit, you have the facility to be able to do it when you need to, it can be trended so you can watch how life is treating you.

I would also recommend that you take your blood pressure when you’re sitting down resting and then stand up and take it again. If your blood pressure drops when you stand up it indicates an uncoping stress response, you are taking life too seriously and you need to adjust where you’re at.

By doing the simple tests, you can see on a daily, weekly or monthly basis that you are keeping up with your major vital signs; your oxygenation, your kidneys, your lungs and digestion all need monitoring to make certain that you are in optimal condition. Also to ensure that the food you’re eating and the life you're leading isn't overwhelming you without you realising it.

Everything is linked and our system allows you to stay in control of your life and vitality. Make monitoring into a fun activity, a family challenge to eat better, maintain your levels and make certain that disease and nasty bugs are not sneaking up on you.

All the benefits of the Step 18 screening, with a Plus.

The plus is the scales included in this pack and they are turbo charged too. Not only do they give you your weight, but you can also measure various ratios of muscle, to water, to bone mass to fat and what type of fat it is. This helps when you improve your diet to show that you’re burning that visceral fat. It will also give you your basal metabolic rate, how fast you’re burning protein and your metabolic age. If you’re body is running acidic and lacks oxygen you’re literally rusting from the inside and increasing your metabolic age.

Just enter the test results into the system and the report will tell you exactly where you are at, what it means and what you have to do. All the information is in the cloud and if you have any more questions then you’ve got the Vitalist to help. Plus there’s lots more education coming to help you on your own personal journey.

I believe in common sense medicine, keep your vital signs in the optimal, keep happy and hydrated, get the right minerals in your food and hallelujah, you’re on your way.

Now that you’ve mastered the vitalise daily four and progressed to monitoring yourself with the Vitalise Step 18 and 18 Plus, now is the time to get adventurous and really make certain that you are on song. Here we introduce the Vitalise Stride 21. Now you’ll have to be brave because you have to do a tiny finger prick and test your own blood. Our testing kits give you access to online videos showing how simple and completely pain free it is to add cholesterol and blood glucose measures to your weekly testing. You need to test on an empty stomach, ideally first thing in the morning before breakfast or after fasting for four hours before lunch or your evening meal.

Monitoring glucose is vital to make certain that you are not having too many carbs, chocolate, cakes etc which has been so easy during lockdown boredom. Glucose should be in the optimal but if it is slightly high then you are having too many treats. This is really important because it will sneak up on you, I’m not talking about pre diabetes now, long-term it becomes pre-diabetes.

If your glucose is too low, it can indicate that you're over training, pushing yourself too hard. It can also indicate low salt, your electrolytes can be flushed out if you’re drinking too much water, this can also bring on fatigue in the afternoon.

The cholesterol test shows your total cholesterol as well as showing if your arteries and capillaries are beginning to fur up. Control is by diet, if your diet is incorrect your cholesterol will start to sneak up. As well as your circulation, I monitor cholesterol because it mimics your insulin sensitivity, BA1C as it’s called.

If your cholesterol is going up it means that your insulin sensitivity is becoming weakened. To explain this simply, if you eat anything that’s high glycemic, the glucose level shoots up and insulin should come in to take that glucose into your muscles to give you energy. When your insulin sensitivity is becoming weak, the sugar goes straight into your fat layers, particularly the visceral fat around your organs and this is where all the damage begins.

Stay informed and stay well, it’s easy to do all this every week or once a month, however often you prefer to do it but trend it and make certain you’re not falling into the lethargy trap.

All the measures in Step 21 Screening with more...

Now we are ready for the next level with the Vitalise Forward 35. You've learned how to painlessly prick your finger, we move on to two more important blood tests, haemoglobin and uric acid.

The haemoglobin shows two things, if it’s too low there’s not enough iron in your diet so you need to supplement or add more protein. If your haemoglobin is too high it generally shows that you are dehydrated and that your blood is clumping together. This is a really good test because Covid always shows that your blood is clumping together so it’s vital to make certain that it’s not. If the clumping isn’t due to dehydration it can be a number of other things like an infection. If you happen to be sick I want you to be in control.

Now we measure your uric acid, if it's getting high it’s not just gout, it shows that you are becoming too acidic. If one wants to grow viruses or anything that’s nasty, put it into a Petrie dish that’s slightly acidic with very little oxygen and you can grow anything you don't want from cancers to viruses.

Once we make that Petrie dish slightly more alkaline and add oxygen all of those nasty things stop growing, you’ve got to be a healthy Petrie dish.

The scales included in this pack are turbo charged too. Not only do they give you your weight, but you can also measure various ratios of muscle, to water, to bone mass to fat and what type of fat it is. This helps when you improve your diet to show that you’re burning that visceral fat. It will also give you your basal metabolic rate, how fast you’re burning protein and your metabolic age. If you’re body is running acidic and lacks oxygen you’re literally rusting from the inside and increasing your metabolic age.

Just enter the test results into the system and the report will tell you exactly where you are at, what it means and what you have to do. All the information is in the cloud and if you have any more questions then you’ve got the Vitalists to help. Plus there’s lots more education coming to help you on your own personal journey.

All the measures in Vitalise Forward 35 and detailed circulation reports

The ultimate remote screening pack, as well as all the equipment in the previous packs, the Vitalise Advance 42, comes with the amazing SmartPulse. Clip the reader onto your finger, in just three minutes it analyses you and produces an incredibly detailed report on a range of measures.

The autonomic nervous system, your "get up and go" versus "your rest and digest" which should be balanced, if you’re not rested enough then you cannot balance yourself.

It then splits your stress level into physical stress versus mental stress, so you can see where the stress is coming from. Is it pain, overtraining or thinking too much, working too hard or too much worry.

It then analyses the stress as you perceive it which can be controlled with breathing exercises.

Next it measures the flexibility of your main arteries and your peripheral arteries, your main arteries obviously link with your cholesterol level. Your peripheral arteries principally are your hormones, your microcirculation that goes to your brain, your eyes and even your anus.

This is all measured as your pulse wave analysis to make sure that your circulation is operating at optimal levels.

With the results of all these measures you’ll have an incredibly in-depth analysis of the way your body is performing. The reports help you understand what's going on and the recommendations advise what you need to do to get yourself on the right track.

Let’s make this into a fun challenge, share with family and friends so we can face the future with renewed vitality from common-sense medicine.